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Special K found her passion for anything sports related at a very young age. If she wasn’t playing an organized sport on one of her teams, as a young girl, she was hanging with the boys in the neighborhood, playing football, street hockey or anything else they could think of.
Special K started playing competitive ice hockey when she was 10 years old and continued on into college, where she had to stop playing due to injury. She also played competitive lacrosse, starting in middle school and playing in college where her
team won the National Championships three of her four years at Colorado State University.
Many years later, Special K needed a new hobby and was introduced to the world of triathlon and endurance sports by way of Colorado Wild Women (a triathlon team) where she met four of her now best friends and cycling teammates. She is often found
doing something adventurous with these ladies every weekend. They talked her into being the alternate teammate and crew member for the Race Across the West 2021 team. Now Special K can’t wait to train with and help her amazing teammates get across the country on their bikes, during Race Across America in 2023.
One thing Special K has always loved about the cycling community she rides in, is how inclusive, it can be. She is excited to start riding with people of all abilities as part of the Adaptive Adventures group, when they do group rides together. She loves sharing her
passion for seeing the beautiful state of Colorado, and soon other parts of the world, from the saddle of a bike. She is also excited to learn other exciting adventures with the incredible people from Adaptive Adventures.
Fun fact: Special K is the only Colorado native on the LS&G team!
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