The fun jokester of the crew, Larissa, will keep the team laughing as she breaks out her collection of adult onesies she can’t wear in public without receiving some odd looks. Crewing for the LS&G 2022 team gives her the opportunity to showcase them all!
In addition to modeling the onesies, one of the biggest reasons this triathlete is participating as a crew member is to be part of the adventure in support of a great cause. “Over the past few years, I have never regretted joining in on something that this amazing group of people have been involved in. Don’t get me wrong, most of what we end up doing would not be considered fun or relaxing to the average person, but nothing about these extraordinary people is average. I am extremely excited about the months to come and the memories we will create,” said Larissa.
In her free time, Larissa loves to swim, bike, curl, golf, play softball, cross country ski, travel and hang out with friends.
Fun Fact: Larissa had the opportunity to curl against several US Olympic curlers during the triathlon off season.